Here at Grace Point Church, we view missions as every Christian's responsibility.  We believe spreading the word about the hope of Jesus Christ is the essence of the missional responsibility we all have.  In fact, we state that to be a member of Grace Point Church is to see yourself as a missionary working in the field you are currently in.

Locally, Grace Point is invested heavily in The Factory Ministries.  The Factory is aimed at providing help with life and the hope of Jesus Christ to families right here in the Paradise community.  They are an excellent resource for connecting needs and resources in our local community.

In addition to supporting the work of the Factory, we support Water Street Rescue Mission, Christ's Home, Meals-On-Wheels, our local Food Bank and other opportunities as they present themselves.

  • Bobby & michele Law

    Bobby & Michele Law have been serving in Taiwan for 25 years. They have two children, Christina & Desmond. Both Bobby & Michele are CPA's and serve in a church plant in a least reached community, and involve in mobilization and member care ministries of their mission agency’s (SIM). They are part of the leadership group in the church plant, involve in teaching, training and worship ministries.  As mobilizers, they journey with potential cross-cultural mission candidates regularly to provide support and guidance.  When SIM Taiwan missionaries are on home assignment, they seek to provide member care as needed.

  • emmanuel & alice adomako

    Emmanuel and Alice are national missionaries in Ghana, West Africa. They spent several years in the United States pursuing degrees in Ministry Leadership & Biblical Studies at the Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School. Emmanuel is an evangelist and Alice is a registered nurse. They have been serving in their home country by providing biblical and leadership training for rural pastors and church leaders through eQuip Ghana (a ministry of Love in Christ Global Missions.)

    Their training program is powered by the online/eQuip LBC education unit of Lancaster Bible College. In addition, Emmanuel and Alice are ministering to rural communities in Ghana through bi-annual medical outreach and children’s education. They have three children, Eugene, Jayden, and Jeanette. Find them at www. or on Facebook or YouTube. 

  • Matt & Julie walsh

    Matt & Julie Walsh served in Burkina Faso, West Africa for many years with their six children, Thomas, Tessa, Stephanie, Sarah, Samuel, and Andrew.

    They are both graduates of Messiah College who majored in engineering.  They are using their talents in engineering to help the equip the local church for community development and outreach.


    The Walsh family will now be serving in another West African country.  This country is 90% Muslim and only 0.2% evangelical Christian.  There is a lot of work to do to share the gospel with least reached people groups.  Matt and Julie will continue to use their technical experience to help multiply the effects of pastors and evangelists through well drilling and other technical assistance.

  • Daryl & Mary Witmer

    Daryl & Mary Witmer have lived and ministered from their home base in north central Maine for over 45 years. During 30 of those years Daryl served as the pastor of three local rural Maine churches. The Witmers have three grown sons — Andrew, Stephen, and Timothy — each of whom are married with three children of their own.

    In 1991 Daryl founded, and currently continues to serve as Executive Director of, the AIIA Institute — an organization committed to the practice and promotion of Christian apologetics in Maine, New England, and beyond. AIIA’s purpose is to fortify believers, persuade seekers, and convince skeptics of the truth of the Christian worldview. 

    AIIA is headquartered in a former Swedish church building by the shores of Lake Hebron in Monson, Maine. The facility is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

    Each year hundreds of Appalachian Trail hikers pass through Monson. The town is also home to Monson Arts, an initiative that enrolls art students from all over the world for workshops and residencies. This provides AIIA with multiplied opportunities to engage with hikers, students, visitors (including scores of young people and volunteer mission teams from Grace Point Church over the years), and neighbors, about the truth and gospel of Jesus Christ.

    In 1984 Daryl was diagnosed with a particularly severe case of Guillain- Barré syndrome, leaving him to minister from a wheelchair ever since. Mary has faithfully supported Daryl over the years and is also involved in many vital aspects of AIIA’s operations. Details and photos of AIIA’s work (including a photo of the Witmer family) are featured on the ministry website at

  • Heather Albrecht

    Heather Albrecht and her husband Tim have 3 children and live in Lancaster County. Heather graduated from Lancaster Bible College with a degree in Professional Counseling and Bible. 

    Heather began her involvement in jail and prison ministry in 2005. Heather is currently serving as the Reentry Facilitator with New Mornings Reentry Services. 

    She leads a team of volunteers and teaches Fresh Start, a biblically based life skills class, at Chester County Correctional Center. Heather also mentors women through one-on-one meetings and provides administrative support to New Mornings. Her desire is to encourage women to grow in their faith and connect them with the resources they need to successfully reenter their community.

    New Mornings Website

    New Mornings on Facebook

  • A family in western Asia

    We are pleased to support a family in Western Asia working among an unreached people group.  They are involved in the work of church planting.

    They serve in a country that does not allow missionaries and so are using creative access to enter the country and begin to build relationships with the locals.  

    Pray for courage, wisdom and sensitivity for them as they seek to love and serve those they come in contact with.


    Don & Tabitha's ministry goals are to evangelize and make disciples among the unreached Vietnamese in the remote parts of Cambodia. Using several platforms to build relationships including teaching literacy, medical services, job training, and disaster relief, they desire to see indigenous churches grow and multiply. 

    After serving in Cambodia for 10 years, the Lord called them to take a family leave and come back to the States in 2017 to help care for Don’s aging parents and launch their three daughters to college. While they have been away, they have mentored other missionaries as well as teammates, who continue with the work among the Vietnamese in Cambodia. 

    Praise God that after 6 years in the USA, God has called them back to Cambodia to serve with World Team. They are eager to return to work with their teammates this coming August 2024 to continue with the church planting effort and to make disciples among the unreached Vietnamese of Cambodia.