The Adomako family is involved in leadership training and development in Ghana, West Africa.
  • Please pray for our hospital building project.The estimated cost for the first phase is $45,000. By God’s grace, as of now, we have raised $19,500, which is currently being used for purchasing more building materials.
  • We are still molding more cement blocks for the main foundation and looking forward to liaising with some Christian medical organizations, individuals, and church families in the US and Ghana to help build this facility for God’s glory!
  • Pray for our family (Emmanuel, Alice, Eugene, Jayden & Jeannette)
  • Pray for eQuip Ghana’s High-Impact Rural Bible and Leadership training program for the year 2025. Please pray for our current batch of graduates that God would be glorified in their ministries.

september 2024 - Matt & Julie Walsh

Matt & Julie and their family serve with Friends in Action, International in West Africa. The Walshes are involved in technical work which includes: well drilling, building construction, bridge building, water distribution, road construction, water filtering and mobilization.

Current prayer requests:

  • Please pray for Tessa as she is starting school in West Africa by herself and pray for us as we try and parent from a distance.
  • Please pray for Julie and the kids as they settle into homeschool and soccer in the fall in Dillsburg.
  • Please pray for Matt as he works on some unexpected house projects and also helps load a shipping container with supplies for West Africa.


Don & Tabitha are returning to Cambodia to serve unreached Vietnamese people in August.

Pray for smooth travels for Don and Tabitha back to Cambodia on Aug 8th.

Pray for our new stage of “empty nester” and for our parents and daughters as we get used to living a part from one another. 

Pray for a reliable vehicle to be used to travel to remote villages.

Pray for our team to work well together and set vision of reaching new Vietnamese villages.

Pray for  open hearts to respond to Jesus, especially among the adults. 

july 2024 - Daryl & Mary WItmer

Daryl & Mary Witmer have served for many years in Monson, Maine, running an apologetics ministry called Areopagus To America (AIIA). 

Current prayer requests:

  • -That God would supernaturally arrange some appointments with hikers, artists, and visitors on the streets of Monson this summer, and that Daryl would be sensitive to, and make the most of, such divine appointments to effectively exchange with people about matters of faith and eternal significance.

  • -That God would incite spiritual renewal here in Monson.

  • -That the Lord would move a qualified couple to move to Monson, live rent-free in our stately parsonage, and voluntarily (for now, anyway) serve the church here in either a pastoral role, or as a Christian influence in the community and as encouragers in the church. 
  • june 2024

    Please pray for our missionary family who previously served in Western Asia. Our friends have gone through a major transition this year. Pray that they will continue to process, heal and be able to discern the next steps for their family. Pray also for the ongoing court case that they are dealing with in Western Asia as well as the believers and partners they had to leave behind.

    May 2024 - Heather albrecht

    Heather works with New Mornings to mentor, teach, and assist individuals impacted by the justice system. She coordinates Reentry Workshops, introducing local resources to the men and women at Chester County Prison as they plan to reenter their communities. Heather helps to facilitate Church Services and Discovery Bible Study in prison, as needed. In addition to her involvement at the prison, she serves at Mom's Club at The Bridge Academy & Community Center in Coatesville. Heather also encourages positive changes at the systemic level through her role as a member of the Chester County Reentry Coalition. 

    Please pray for...

    • The Albrecht's summer schedule to come together as they coordinate travel, childcare, work, and ministry.

    • Wisdom and clarity for Heather as she plans Reentry Workshops and networks with area service providers.

    • One-on-one meetings with women at prison to be effective and encouraging.

    • The New Mornings' card ministry, which now reaches over 35 incarcerated individuals each week.

    • Increased donations to support Heather as the ministry faces rising costs of administration, travel, and materials.

    april 2024 - BOBBY & MICHELE LAW

    • We are thankful that Bobby and Michele were safe in the recent earthquake in Taiwan.
    • Taiwan's most popular deity is the sea goddess Mazu. Named by the Discovery Channel as one of the top three religious festivals in the world, the annual Dajia Mazu 9-day-8-night pilgrimage covers a distance of about 200 miles. Worshippers accompany the procession on foot. This year’s procession starts on April 5.  
    • Many believers have started to travel alongside the Mazu worshipers to share the gospel and/or hand out gospel tracts. Some churches are starting to open the church for the Mazu worshippers to use the bathrooms and serve snacks. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak through these Mazu outreaches through the gospel sharing, tracts distribution, and outreaches of the churches.